Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Columbia University

On the lucky 09/09/09 day I decided to explore Columbia University's campus. I had actually jogged through it the night before and was so amazed by it that it left me with nothing but the "awe" sensation of it's beauty. I was dying to come back, and so I did. In my opinion, there aren't many more campuses nicer than Columbia's.

The first picture here is of the Low Memorial Library, which was finished in 1897 and served as the main library until 1934, according to Columbia's virtual campus tour website. It seemed to be a favorite spot for students to relax around and enjoy a nice moment of reading. I know it would definitely be mine! The campus tour website also indicates that today it serves as the university's administrative center and is the office to the university's President and Provost. 

To the right is Butler Library, where one of the tenth largest library systems in the nations is located, according to Columbia's tour website. You can definitely see the greek architecture it has with the columns. I love it. This library was built in 1934. It has the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, which contains more than 600,000 rare books and 26 million manuscripts, also says the web-based tour website. I didn't go inside to see it for myself though. Maybe, I could make that a next adventure.
It was the seconded day of classes in the fall semester and where else to find crowds of students than College Walk. On the picture to the left is this well polished walk way that is located dead center of the main campus. If you walk through it you will basically be getting an all-rounded view of the main buildings on campus. They all encircle this passage way. It's the school radius, one could say. 
Lastly, after having walked through this wonderful place, I had one thing left to do: see the Journalism Building. It was truly all I had eyes for.

Unfortunately, for me, I didn't take a picture of it, don't ask why because I, myself, am not sure. It could have been that I was lost within myself from the splendors of it that I just didn't think to do it. The good thing, though, was on my way out when I took my all-time favorite picture of the word that calls my attention like a birthday cake to a kid. See it below for yourself!

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