Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's all about tha family

Yes, it's about time I catch up with myself. You see, it's been sort of a rough year for me. I haven't exactly made it to where I'd like to be. It's been 10 months of searching for things which I thought I wanted. Ten months of praying with all my heart. Ten months of learning. Ten months of re-meeting my parents, and ten months of taking many many trials, which now I'm glad I had (but only in a small way...he! ).

I've wanted to start my career in broadcast journalism for the longest time, but due to one reason or another, I just was not able to get this ambition on a kick start. However, the moment I've been praying for and hoping would soon happen has now arrived. I'll be taking the next stage in my life to Laredo, Texas, where I'll be working as a news reporter for KGNS- NBC. The more I ponder this opportunity the more I realize it's exactly what I need (but not what I really want! It's okay though). So let's get this next journey on the road!

But wait!

Before, I do continue with my future plans up ahead, I do want to trace back to those 10 months of what I thought was hardship and agony... 
and boy was I wrong! 

Heavenly Father blessed with 10 months of re-kindling love for my family (something I was subconsciously losing in small way... I cared only about my career plans). Times, though, are now much different. There's no doubt in my mind my family will always be there for me and the people I will always LOVE. Yes, they're kinda psycho, but how I love their cocky, weird, loud and energetic personalities ( I suppose I could be included in this list as well). 

Please. Take a look at just a few things I've shared with my beautiful family these last 10 months:  

My mom has always been my wonderful hardworking mom, but this year she became my best friend... the only friend I could run and cry to about anything, including what I thought to be my hopeless life (which is definitely not true and I know that now). I will always love her. This picture was taken on mothers' day. I made her corsage and she loved it (of course)! 

Yes, I have two other best friends who are also my sisters ( but that's okay). Garnie and Vicky were able to come home for the 4th of July weekend, which was also my birthday!! They were the only ones home to celebrate my special day with me... our country's special day too! They were great sports, and Garnie made me a cake that looked like butt... I still loved it though... because I had no other choice... but thanks sister!  

One of my main goals I set myself to do these last months was to stay way more organized. If you take a look at my desk, you can probably tell it wasn't going to great all the time. But do allow me to say I have been very good about it lately. I do love my desk and my room. This is where I like to meditate and think about everything I do. I also like to ponder and look at my vision portrait which I made. Like it? I do! I am going to add to it though. It's a little empty and it's time to revise it. 

This was the first time this year my only two brothers got to reunite. It was only about a month ago too that I took this picture. We were outside fixing Luis' truck. Actually I wasn't really doing anything, just watching. They were replacing the bumper on Luis' truck (which I crashed, sorry brother!! Glad to know that you still love me though!). Their bonding time was... cool!

I got to see my beautiful sister go to France to meet her fiancé's family. It's because he's French and that's where they live! Haha... anyways they're at the Eiffel Tower here, in Paris. 

So in honor of hope that Brandi and Luis' baby was born on 10/10/10, and the fact that both brother and I are at home with the parents, and that I leave this week for Laredo, we threw a dinner feast! We invited Brandi's family and chill friends. Here, I made most the boys take a picture! 

Then we took another picture of more of the crew that joined us for dinner tonight. Check out Brandi's Aunt Laura and Grandma Bertha on the bottom right. They really are the COOLEST! Adore them! Also, if you notice, the cake is still whole...

but now it's not! We chowed nearly the whole thing down in no time. This is what was left. I claim that my fake boyfriend as of the last two days, Jared, made it for me, but he didn't. His mama did instead! It's all good though. 

And thus my bonding with my family has temporarily ended. But how I have learned so much from them just by spending time with them. I love them and know that they love me... and that's what life is about: families! 


  1. Congrats on the new job! And congrats on enduring WELL through the past year. You're awesome Antonia. And you're going to do GREAT things. I'm excited to read about the next chapter.

  2. Thanks so much Katie!! I'm so nervous but, more than ready for this!

  3. hey primaa eres la mejor¡ hechale ganas en tu nuevoo trabajo que dios te bendigaaa cuidate te mando besos y abrazos :D
