Hello there,
It's late Tuesday night and I sit here writing on my very first blog post. I'm not sure if I am doing this right, but I guess we'll see how it all turns out.
To the left is me! Here, I am in Puerto Rico. I'm really behind no spectacular scenery that shouts "Puerto Rico" or anything, but I sure like the shirt I'm wearing. It says, "Yo amo a Univision." I'm all about broadcast networks. Give me a t-shirt with any TV network and I'll proudly sport it.
Well it's right about half way through the summer, here in AZ. Monsoon season has kicked off, but I sure haven't. I sit here, being a college graduate and with no real direction of where life may lead to next. I do know that I plan to steer in the broadcasting field, my life passion. That's why I live, you know. I believe people have special missions to do here on earth. My mission is journalism, broadcast journalism.
Want to know an ironic secret behind my passion? I get deathly terrified and nervous in front of a camera. Why? I blame my mother's genes(but I can only do so much blaming on the genes). Unfortunately, for me, I am a horribly anxious and nerve wrecking person. I easily get nervous about anything and for hardly any reason at all most of the time. Now, what I must do: either let my nerves take over my life, or, have my life take over my nerves. It's tuff, but I must do it. I can't let me dream life be ruined because of my anxiety, not with out a fight!
For the moment I will leave it at that. Viva my very first blog post!
Yay! I am excited that you have a blog!